Somniacs Party In The Playground!

The Somnia Playground had an incredible grand opening, with Somniacs from around the world generating their own virtual spaces and inviting their friends.
Some Grillz Gang holders were walking around the playground showing off their 3D Grillz Gang avatars. More NFT collections will be coming soon!
Experience a variety of different settings, from a small village to a big city or even a snowy mountaintop!
If you see an avatar with its arms out in a T pose, that means you’re dealing with a real OG. These are V1 avatars from the early stages of our betanet, and they are not 100% compatible with the playground.
Live text chat allows you to communicate with your friends while you’re in The Playground!
Who will you ask to join your Playground party?
Show off your avatar! Who has the best one?
Have you experienced The Somnia Playground yet? Jump in today and invite your friends so you can complete all the quests!
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