Somnia Manifesto

08 Apr 2024


Ever since the beginning of human history, we have created virtual spaces that bring meaning and value to our physical reality. Things like languages, governments, and religions are not physical “things” that we can point to, they are virtual realities and virtual tools, yet it is concepts like these that have defined the human experience, because they have had a massive impact on the physical world.

The technological advancements of the past several decades have opened up the door for humans to create virtual spaces on a whole other scale, through gaming, social media, Web3 and the metaverse. The connection of all these different virtual spaces is what we call the Virtual Society. The internet was the first step in this evolution, allowing anyone with a connection to create their own web pages and eventually video content. This has led to the creation of countless jobs and billions or possibly even trillions of additional dollars flowing through our global economy. 

This growth has continued to accelerate with the introduction of blockchain technology and Web3, but there are still some limitations that need to be overcome, particularly around scale and interoperability. Many of the blockchains that exist today are great for finance, but they can’t match the scale that is required for high volume applications like gaming, social media, and the metaverse. Many of the blockchains that exist today also have trouble communicating with one another, which makes a truly connected Virtual Society impossible, and this is exactly what Somnia is planning to change with a 300k+tps EVM Layer 1 and Interoperability Protocols that can power a Virtual Society. 


  • Multiverse Over Monolith: We advocate for a constellation of virtual spaces and applications, each with distinct, interconnected experiences, much like countries within a global community, sharing utilities that enhance mutual growth.
  • Empowering Composability: Central to our vision is the principle of composability—the ability for creators to build upon each other’s work, fostering a culture of collaboration where the collective output surpasses the sum of its parts. This principle ensures that the Virtual Society evolves as a dynamic ecosystem where innovations are layered, integrated, and magnified, enabling a richer tapestry of on-chain experiences.
  • Real-world Enrichment: The Virtual Society should serve as an extension, not an escape, from reality, enhancing our lives through new forms of interaction, community, and personal growth. The experiences within should bridge the virtual and the tangible, enriching our collective human experience.
  • Creator Empowerment: For the Virtual Society to flourish, it must empower creators with the freedom to build sustainable models of engagement and ownership. This includes safeguarding the rights to digital assets and creating an environment where innovation is not stifled by platform constraints.
  • Accessibility for All: The promise of the Virtual Society is in its potential for universal access, removing barriers for content creation and participation. 


This manifesto is a call to action for a future where digital and physical realms not only coexist but enrich one another in profound ways. The launch of Somnia is the first step in this journey toward an open Virtual Society filled with value and opportunity, where economic freedom, innovation, diversity and collaboration can thrive, deepening our connection to both the digital and the physical worlds. Dreamwalk with us into the future.
